9x19 NATO Ammo Storage Boxes: Laffs Dynamics Boxes for storing 9x19 NATO/9mm Para cartridges. Good for storing reloads, or for when you stuff 30rds in a mag, and the last 20rds in a 50rd cheapo cardboard box makes you wanna beat the living hell out of ammo manufacturers for not making it simple for us. A LOT OF MAGS HOLD 30RDS, EVERY AMMO MANUFACTURER EVER, YOU SADISTIC BASTARDS!!!! Two variants are available: *25rd *50rd Printer Used: Ender 3 V2 Filament Used: PLA+ Print Settings: Extruder: 218C Bed: 56C First Layer Print Height: .2mm Standard Layer Height: .16mm+ Wall Thickness: .40 Wall Perimeters: 3+ Infill: 16%+ Infill Pattern: Gyroid Material Flow: 100% Support Material Percentage: 20%