Instructions for the KWIKDRAW_AR15 Grip v1

Hello! Thanks for checking out my work. For best results please follow the guidelines below. 

Orintation: Correct upon import. Bottom of grip placed on build plate.
Material: Carbon Filled Polycarbonate, ABS, or PETG (enclosure may be needed)
Layer height: 0.2mm 
Infill density: 100% (anything less may introduce weaknesses but feel free to experiment)
Supports: From build plate only (if using PETG set z separation dstance to 0.2mm and pattern spacing to 0.0)

Use existing 1/4-28 socket head cap screw. There isnt room for a washer so leave it out. 
Don't overtighten the screw otherwise you risk deforming the plastic and possibly cracking the grip.

More configurations available upon reqest.