Knock Knock, It's SLAVIC CRIME Grip (AKM): Laffs Dynamics Hey blyat! Wanna be the coolest dude this side of the Gulag? Wanna be the most tACtiCaL sPeTsNaZ in your "unit"? Well you downloaded the wrong file... go fuck yourself. Printer Used: Ender 3 V2 Filament Used: PLA+ Print Settings: Extruder: 220C Bed: 56C First Layer Print Height: .18mm Standard Layer Height: .16mm Wall Thickness: .40 Wall Perimeters: 5+ Infill: 25%+ Support Material Percentage: 20% Print the grip upside-down. Hardware Needed: 1x OEM AK Grip Screw Warning: This is a meme grip. In the event the debil unironically mounts this to their home defense weapon with the belief this'll make them a "Top Tier Gopnik", possible death by cringe may occur. Put this device ONLY on meme gats; don't cringe and build.