AGH MY NECK Mini Grip (AR-15): Laffs Dynamics

Geezus CHRIST! I slept weird and now my neck's  F U C K E D  every which way til Sunday! Someone get me some fuck'n ice before I
finish the job n' end m'self!

A stout mini grip with an exaggerated hump towards the top section between where the thumb and index finger rest. 

Front to Back Length: ~50mm (Excluding top grip mounting section.)

Side to Side Width: Swells from 22.32mm out to 30.70mm

Top to Bottom Height: 92.94mm

Printer Used: Ender 3 V2

Filament Used: PLA+

Print Settings:

Extruder: 220C 
Bed: 56C 
First Layer Print Height: .20mm 
Standard Layer Height: .14mm - .16mm
Wall Thickness: .40 
Wall Perimeters: 5+
Infill: 25%+
Support Material Percentage: 18%

Hardware Needed:

1x Allen Head Screw, 1/4-28 x 1"

1x Steel Star Washer

1x Safety Selector Detent Pin

1x Safety Selector Detent Spring


Vinh Nguyen: Requested overall design. Provided images of a previous design of similar geometry.