redesign of freeman1337-everytown-cmmg-22lr-mag-25round CMMG internal parts compatible by BigblockDoug magazine internals borrowed (baseplate and baseplate lock) from nguyenkvvn's CMMG compatable mags base design and follower from freeman1337 mag loader modfied from MinuteMan23 cmmg loader Description This is a magazine compatible with CMMG 22lr conversion bolts and dedicated bolts for AR15 rifles. Materials Required You will need PLA+ filament 1 OEM CMMG mag spring for 22lr 25 round magazine or 1 Black Dog Machining 11" compression spring: Infill: solid infill threshold area to 70 to make feed lips solid Infill | 25-75% Pattern | cubic Material: Print Temp | 217 C Bed Temp | 60 C Support 1 piece mag body: Generate Support ON or OFF whatever you prefer Internals Generate Support ON License GPL v3.1 - resulting prints may not be sold for commercial purposes or financial gain.