CHAIRMANWON'S BASEPLATE FOR MENENDEZ MAG 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- BTC donation address 386wAjoV9QqSkpV2Qc7HdqG7b4BW8XVFfx ------------------------------------------------------------------- website can be found at or ------------------------------------------------------------------- Print in the orientation these load into cura with ------------------------------------------------------------------- The only changes that you need to make vs the normal FMDA profile are as follows Support X/Y Distance: 1.3mm (stops Cura from supporting stipples) Use tree supports instead of normal supports Enable Z hop on retract ------------------------------------------------------------------- I have tested this frame using ESUN PLA+ using the settings in the FMDA README file which I have pasted below. Nozzle: 0.4mm Layer Height: 0.16mm Temp: 225-230/60C Infill: 100% Supports: On/full - use a close support interface gap. Your interface gap should not be larger than 0.15mm unless you know what you are doing with your setup. Cooling fan: 20% normal, 50% on bridges. Off for the first 10 layers. Keep the fan low to prevent warp. All other settings can/should be left as default or whatever you know works best with your printing setup.