Version 1 of the T-Mag Ruger SR9/Security 9 pistol magazine pack for flush fit 17-round, 21-round, and 30-round capacities. Grip spacer required for proper fit on Security 9 pistols. Please read the information below carefully. **TABLE OF CONTENTS** - Change Log - Important Fitment Information - Filament Selection - Parts - Printing Details **Change Log** - Follower geometry revised to address unreliable last round hold open and occasional hang-up on left side mag catch cutout. Also improves feeding reliability and eliminates the need for a speed loader while loading. - Relief cuts added to shoulder section of magazine body to improve clearance for slide lock and trigger bar. - Relief cut added to inside of magazine body to improve slide lock engagement with follower. - X and Y dimensions increased by 0.5% to improve cold weather performance. - Added right-hand only versions of each body. - Removed non-witness hole versions. - Added annealing tools and instructions, see separate readme. - Added material recommendations. **IMPORTANT FITMENT INFORMATION** - A speed loader is no longer required for loading! Simply smack the bottom of the magazine to reorient the cartridge stack if the rounds start to nose down or bind. - Magazines should drop free when full or empty. The outside of the magazine may need to be lightly sanded to drop free, especially if using fiber filled materials. Dusts composed of plastic, carbon fiber, and glass fiber may be hazardous to health! Please use appropriate PPE and housekeeping. - If the magazine does not lock in, is easily yanked out, or falls out when fired, square up the mag catch cut out with a knife. **Filament Selection** - Minimum material specifications: - Yield Strength: 49Mpa - Impact Strength: 32KJ/m^2 (Charpy notched) - The following materials have been tested for strength and suitability: - Esun PLA+ - Annealed (see separate readme) - Fiberlogy PA12+CF - Fiberlogy PA12+GF - Push Plastic PC-PBT - Colorfabb ASA - Esun ASA - Many commercially available filaments have been tested, please see full test results before selecting a material not listed above. - Full results can be found here: **PARTS** - Springs - 17-round version uses standard glock 17 springs (example: Ghost Inc Sku#GHO_MAGSPRING_MED) - 21-round version uses glock springs for +4 extensions (example: Ghost Inc Sku# GHO_MAGSPRING_LARGE_) - 30-round version uses glock springs for 31/33 round mags (example: Wolff Springs Sku# 77361) - Follower 2.0 - Baseplate 1.0 (broadly inspired by the Menendez v2.0 baseplate but is not interchangeable.) - locking tab 1.0 (based on Menendez v2.0 locking tab, but is shorter and narrower to fit in the new body.) **PRINTING DETAILS** - Recommended Materials - Esun PLA+: Hotend 210C, Bed 50C, part cooling fan OFF. Anneal in boiling water for 15 minutes using included tools. - Fiberlogy PA12+GF or PA12+CF: Hotend 265C, bed 110C, part cooling fan OFF. Anneal in boiling water for 5 minutes. - PushPlastic PC-PBT: Hotend 260C, Bed 105C, part cooling fan OFF. Anneal in boiling water for 5 minutes. - Colorfabb & Esun ASA: Hotend 275C, Bed 90C, part cooling fan OFF. No post processing. - General settings (Ender 3V2 with Slice bimetal heat break, 0.4mm tungsten carbide nozzle, textured PEI bed) - layer height: body - 0.2mm, parts - 0.25mm (finer layers will not improve performance) - line width: 0.6mm (especially if using 0.4mm nozzle!) - Infill: 100% lines - speed: 20mm/s outer walls, 25mm/s inner walls - Brim: 4 lines - Supports - Magazines: Standard supports set to "everywhere". - Base plate, follower, and locking tab: no supports. - All STL's are oriented with the correct face to the bed. Recommend orienting the long side along the y-axis (as shown in "Printing Orientations.JPG") to minimize vibrations near the top of the print (not applicable to core xy and delta printers). - Calibrate flow using the 2-wall method (shown at, round up to the nearest whole number and add 1%. For example if the calculated value is 97.4%, round up to 98% and add 1% to make 99%. Put 99% into the flow setting on your printer or slicer. - Calibrate dimensions using the included sizing calibration spreadsheet. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution - Non commercial. I hope you enjoy my work!