22LR Snap Caps V1.0.1: FFFTech/FFFTechnology 3D printed snap caps, dimensions of a .22 Long Rifle cartridge. Due to issues of rimfires breaking their firing pins over time from dry firing repeatedly, snap caps are advised for use. 3DP 22LR snap caps are cheap and quick to reprint. Comes in two variants: *Round Nose *Truncated Nose Update: Fixed the advised scaling setting; originally stated to scale +/- .1%, but the intended scaling was meant to be +/- .01% Printer Used: Monoprice Maker Select Plus Filament Used: PLA+ Print Settings: Extruder: 218C Bed: 56C First Layer Print Height: .18mm Standard Layer Height: .1mm - .14mm Wall Thickness: .40 Wall Perimeters: 5 - 7 Infill: 35% - 50% Infill Pattern: Gyroid Material Flow: 100% (Highly advisable to print 5+ copies on a single build plate) Depending on your machine's settings, you might need to scale +/- .01% for best fit of snap caps into the chamber.