Welcome to ButWhatAbout: Ammo, Volume 1 DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ALL THREE VIDEOS (I recommend you download them): https://lbry.tv/@Ivan's_CAD_Streams:c/ButWhatAbout-Ammo-Tutorial-Video-Pack:2 Link to watch Part 1: https://lbry.tv/@Ivan's_CAD_Streams:c/Part-1-FINAL:f Link to watch Part 2: https://lbry.tv/@Ivan's_CAD_Streams:c/Part-2-FINAL:d Link to watch Part 3: https://lbry.tv/@Ivan's_CAD_Streams:c/Part-3-FINAL:2 Included in this package are the files, tutorials, and information you need to re-arm 'decorative' or 'deactived' ammo, which can be acquired in many places where live ammo is regulated. I recommend you start with the technical document. Read it all the way through. After that, give the videos that are linked within the technical document a look. Then go back to the technical document and buy the things on the shopping list you will need. The STEP and STL folders contain the CAD models you can print on a 3D printer to aid in reloading the ammo if you don't have proper reloading equipment. I recommend these print settings: **ALL STL PARTS ARE PROPERLY ORIENTED AND SCALED** Material: PLA or PLA+ Temp: 230C Nozzle/50C Bed Infill: 100% Refer to the technical document for information on which parts need supports. **NOTE ON THE POWDER MEASURE** The printable powder measure can somewhat consistently measure out 4.1gr of powder. I've printed three and all three come within 0.1gr of powder. However, if you print this part you MUST double-check it with a scale, as your print settings, filament, and other small differences could cause HUGE issues.