Vyper Arms Pressure Landmine A1 ########################################################################################################################### Items needed: 3D printer TPU filament PLA, ABS, or PETG Filament 1/4in thick x 1in long bolt Wire six AA batteries 35mm round washer 20 gauge Nichrome 90 wire Glue Tape Solder and iron Heat shrink Explosive (gunpowder, C4, ect.) Ball bearings or other shrapnel ########################################################################################################################### Instructions: Print Landmine Solder all AA batteries in series and solder leads onto the DIY battery pack Cut 10mm of nichrome wire Solder the negative lead to nichrome Solder a few inches of extra wire to the other side of the nichrome Leave nichrome bridge exposed but insulate soldered parts Attach extra wire soldered on the other side of nichrome to the 35mm washer Take the positive lead and attach it to the 1/4in thick x 1in long bolt You can test if your electronic igniter works by touching the bolt and washer together if it works the nichrome bridge will get extremely hot and may even glow red do not hold the two together too long otherwise some parts of the detonator may be discharged too fast Place the battery pack into the battery holder in the landmine body Put the negatively charged washer on the round area next to the battery holder When wiring the screw you may have to cut holes for wiring Glue lid onto battery container Fill with explosive Place shape charge tray on, it will line up with a notch, make sure to glue tray on Fill shape charge tray with shrapnel Put on landmine lid, it will line up with a notch, make sure to glue the lid on Insert the TPU Trigger Cylinder into the trigger insert Then partially insert the screw into the hole Then place the live trigger insert through the lid so it is above the negative washer You may have to sand the trigger insert down for it to fit Then place the TPU Insert Grommet on the top of the bolt and glue it on Your landmine is now complete DO NOT PUSH THE SCREW DOWN IT WILL COMPLETE THE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT THEREFORE HEATING THE NICHROME AND IGNITING THE EXPLOSIVE ########################################################################################################################### *Vyper Arms is not responsible in any way shape or form for your actions or the export, use or possession of these files.*