This remix is fairly straight forward. The hardest part is building the charging handle. Everything bolts on with either m5 or m3 bolts. Just build the 3011 like normal minus the m3 bolts. ----Upper Cover Installation---- 1.) Slide the dust cover on then bolt it on. 2.) Slide the handguard on and bolt it on. You may want to install the endcap on the hand guard first. Use M3 bolts for this. ----Brace/Stock Instructions---- 1.) Drill the hinge and stock hole with a 1/4" drill bit. Do not drill them separately. Mate them together and then drill them. This will make for a tighter fit with a 1/4" clevis pin. Use a 1/4" inner diameter spring for the stock hinge. 2.) Bolt the stock assembly on. ----Charging Handle Fabrication and Install---- 1.) Slowly screw a m3 bolt into the charging handle. Once fully inserted mark the excess and remove the bolt from the charging handle. 2.) Cut the excess off of the bolt. 3.) Reinsert the bolt and using a large file sand down the top of the cleat until you start removing metal from the bolt. 4.) Check to see if it will install in the Upper Cover. If there is not enough clearance remove some more material. There should be too much plastic to actually insert the handle into the slide. 5.) Take a heat gun or soldering iron and gently heat up the part of the handle that inserts into the slide. Once heated press the handle in. If the handle gets distorted while inserting don't worry. Remove it from the slide and reheat it with the heat gun. The plastic will more or less return to its original shape. Heat it up and try again. 6.) Once you have a good fit remove the handle from the slide. Remove the bolt. 7.) Coat the inside of the hole with jb weld. Coat the bolt. Reinsert and do a smooth thin coat on the cleat to fill in any gaps. Allow to cure for 12 hours. 8.) Gently tap the charging handle into the slide with a armorers hammer. Should be a nice snug fit now. 9.) After 24 hours you can gently sand the non-articulating parts of the handle and paint it if you like. Note: The mag grip is just for looks and will slide onto your magazine.