##This is only a prop, its 1/1 scale and due to EU laws the Trigger hole & Magwell have been closed so as not to be considered as a firearm. Last week I saw forgotten weapons and thought that Ian had a great idea in designing an AR-15 one piece lower designed specifically for Polymer, which means the critical areas have all been strengthened and here is my proposal for the project, hope you gentlemen like it. ITEMS REQUIRED: TAKEDOWN PIN DETENT 1 x M3 15mm L BUTT PAD 1 x M5 x 25mm L (for bottom) & 1 x M5 x Xmm L (for top length varies) BUFFER RETAINER 1 x 2mm split pin X 30mm L Updated with Pistol Lower !!!Note: I'm always open for suggestion and help on improving the design and proof of concept. !Don't forget to check out my other Cool designs and Follow my Weekly dose of KooKoo uploads, Enjoy ;)