Folding stocks and braces require a 4mm rod for a hinge pin. I used stainless 4mm rod from amazon and cut to length then hammered in place. Folding stocks also require a button spring. I used a spring from a HF kit.. it doesnt have to be perfect sized just needs to have enough tension to hold the lock. Stocks and Braces are printed no support, 100% infill with the sholder area down. **SOT ONLY!** The integrelly suppressed barrel is to be printed THREAD SIDE DOWN with supports touching buildplate only. It uses ~4" of liner. Once you have your chamber area marked, put liner in to sup end until it bottoms out, then back out ~1/4" The SOT who tested this found a mild decrease in report, and was able to keep most high velocity rounds subsonic due to short liner length. It was found to be best printed in PETG and survived over 100 rounds