Ever wanted a CornerShot but didn't want to pay $3,850 , well I have finally perfected it with the 3.0 model , it uses a $20 Quelima SQ13 camera and works with your phone as a screen. Now you can shoot above, below and in any direction without getting out of cover. This is designed for the I-Phone 6s but I can modify the files if you send me the dimensions of your phone ;) * Works on the following: (I-Phone 6S) (Samsung 9S+) (Motorola Droid Force Z2) * Advantages: No Crappy mechanical trigger, your trigger remains the same Very lightweight compared with the original Cornershot Very short (1/4 of the length of the original) Can shoot at any angle (original can shoot @ max 60 Degrees) Very Cheap (1/192.5 of original's price) Has built in NVG (An extra option on the original) Easy recoil control (original has zero recoil control) Camera can be mounted Above, Below & on either side of your firearm Full Ambidextrous Can be mounted on anything with a P-Rail And a lot more things ;) CAMERA: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HD-1080P-Sport-WiFi-Wireless-Mini-Camera-DV-Video-Recorder-Spy-Cam-Night-Vision/113219861320?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=413515248067&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 CROSSHAIR: https://www.ebay.com/itm/2x-Crosshairs-Sticker-Die-Cut-Decal-Self-Adhesive-Vinyl-molon-labe-2a-type-3/161154835769?epid=24006911011&hash=item258593a539:g:wjAAAOxy3zNSi9F3 !Don't forget to check out my other Cool designs and Follow my Daily dose KooKoo uploads, Enjoy ;)