PAWS 22 (Post Apocalypse Weapon) it the easiest and fastest way to build a functional full auto firearm, Off course THIS IS ONLY A CONCEPT & DOES NOT FIRE ANY LIVE AMMO. All you need is a Dremel, Drill & off course a 3D Printer to make the entire thing in under 14 hours including printed parts. There will be 2 versions to choose form Square 25mm (1") or Round 25mm (1") 2mm wall. Additional Items required to finish this project: 25mm Round or Square Pipes 0.8 & 1.2mm OD Spring wires M5 Fasteners & Nuts M3 Fasteners & Nuts 4 Elastic Bands (Magazine) Epoxy I'm also currently messing around with a Bullpup bolt action version of this which will be released soon. !Don't forget to check out my other Cool designs and Follow my weekly KooKoo uploads, Enjoy ;)