ruger 10/22 based 3d printable bullpup pistol prototype Michael Collum A just for fun project, i had some spare 10/22 parts and wanted to make a pistol. since i couldn't just sslap a short barrel on an old reciever, (stupid laws) i made this to play around with. Initial prototype, version 1.0. Worked well enough, printed in PETG and only 25% infill. survived more than 1k rounds. probably would have lasted longer but i started feeding it 1400 fps high velocity rounds shortly before failure. cracked at rear buffer pin. Recommend higher infill, possibly ABS or ideally NYLON. was suprisingly a really excellent shooter,a ton of fun, and great for those wtf is that moments. Figured since i'd be building myself a version 2, i would share version 1 if anyone wants to play with it. uses the bolt, charging handle, spring,trigger pack, and magazines from a standard 10/22 was designed around a 4.5 inch barrel but anything should work. trigger rods are cut down .22 cal cleaning rods. i removed 3.5 inches from each rod, giving them an overall length of 7.9 inches.recommend 8 inches overall, and hand fiting the rods during assembly. there is room for them to be a little longer. needs a 200x200mm print bed to do the reciver.