# The Yankee Boogle AR15 3D-Printable Swift Link #### Author Patrick Henry #### Version 1.0 This is the Yankee Boogle - a 3D printable Swift Link for AR15-style lowers. This design has been test extensively and is known to be good. Duraction of use for this device is generally when the gas tube starts to glow. Discontinue use if gas tube begins to sag. #### Works with * Standard AR FCG * Most AR lowers * Full Auto BCG (most AR15s have this, PSA, Daniel Defense, BCM, BCA). Some commerial (Ruger, Colt) do not have the needed carrier. #### Printing * Print at 100% infill with support. This works in PLA, but would work better in a more wear resistant poylmer like nylon. STL is oriented correctly for print orientation. For educational/SOT use only. Or for freemen as well.